Geosynchronous Satellite
Launch Vehicle

Basic Information


Stage Information

Side Boosters (L40):

- L40 Liquid propellant stage
- Propellant - UDMH (fuel) and N2O4 (oxidiser)
- Engine - 4x Vikas
- Height - 19.7
- Diameter - 2.1m
- Thrust - 760kN each
- Specific Impulse (Isp) - 262 sec
- Burn time - 154 sec
- Propellant mass: 42700 kg each


First stage/Core stage (S139):

- S139 Solid Rocket Motor
- Propellant - HTPB (Hydroxyl-terminated Polybutadiene)
- Height - 20m
- Diameter - 2.8m
- Thrust - 4846.9kN
- Specific Impulse (Isp) - 237 sec (at sea level), 269 sec (in vacuum)
- Burn time - 100 sec
- Propellant mass: 138200 kg


Second Stage (GS2):

- GL40 Liquid propellant stage
- Propellant - UDMH (fuel) and N2O4 (oxidiser)
- Engine - 1x Vikas
- Height - 11.6
- Diameter - 2.8m
- Thrust - 846kN each
- Specific Impulse (Isp) - 295 sec
- Burn time - 139 sec
- Propellant mass: 39500 kg each


Third Stage (CUS15):

- Indigenous Cryogenic upper stage
- Propellants - Hydrogen (fuel) and Oxygen (oxidiser)
- Engine - 1x CE-7.5
- Height - 9.9m
- Diameter - 2.8m
- Thrust - 75kN
- Specific Impulse (Isp) - 454 sec (in vacuum)
- Burn time - 846 sec
- Propellant mass: 15000 kg

GSLV in Detail

Work in progress