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GSLV Mk2 will launch weather satellite Insat-3DS on 10th Jan
Aditya-L1 payload named SUIT opens it shutter for first time
Aditya-L1 SUIT clicks first pics of Sun in wavelengths ranging from 200 to 400 nm
Chandrayaan-3 PM performs Trans-Earth injection maneuver which placed it in an Earth-bound orbit
TV-D1 inflight abort test was a complete success
Agnikul sub orbital SORTED rocket to be tested within the next few months
PM Modi announces India's roadmap for Moon exploration 2047
Aditya L1 is on its way to L1 orbit with the L1 insertion burn to occur on 7th Jan
Failure is not only about succeeding. Rather it is about not putting your best effort and not contributing, however modestly, to the common good.